Hello Blogging World!

So this is my first go at blogging...not really sure what to do or what to expect.  Do I just write about myself and hope that enough people find it interesting to start "following" my blog? I hope that eventually, I can post some tutorials of things that I have crafted or at least tried to craft.  I'm kind of excited, kind of nervous, kind of anxious about all of this.  Anyhoo, I teach natural childbirth classes, specifically The Bradley Method, which I have had 2 babies using this method, and let me tell ya' folks....It works! I'm a put a band-aid on it, take a tylenol for it, stay home from work because of it kind of wimp and if I can do it.....so can you! It's so empowering and rewarding, that I can't imagine doing it any other way.  So, if you are pregnant, or are going to become pregnant please give me a yell.  Ok, that's my commercial on that.  Well thanks everyone for reading!!! Let me know what you think, happy to have some feedback!


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