Let's Take a Side Road.....

So just for a minute, I am gonna stop talking about me. Even though I am SO interesting. *gag* I wanted to talk a moment about a highly controversial thing in the United States....yesss....Are ya ready to hear what it's about? Huh huh huh? Well here we go!

So, I read this story one time about a family that adopted an infant, and they wanted the infant to have some of the same facial features as other members of the family. So they decided when the infant was just a day or so old to give him a nose job. So he would look the same. Outrageous right? Well, this story is a lie, but it opens up the thought process for.....

Routine infant circumcision.

It just gets my panties all in a wad thinking about it. My pulse quickens, my eyes widen, steam starts rolling from my ears. Pure uncontrollable anger. Rage even. Why am I so sensitive about this subject, you are wondering I am sure. Well, here is a little bit of info for ya, via' 9 David's' blog http://9davids.blogspot.com/2010/11/50-reasons-to-leave-it-alone.html  There are TONS of websites out there with TONS of information about circumcision. And yet, people still come up with reasons to do it. I usually try to take a neutral stance on most topics, even natural childbirth. Yeah, I think it's the most awesomest thing ever, but if you decide to have an epidural or elective c-section, that is your bag. Not mine. However, whenever people tell me they are going to circumcise their sons, it takes all the gumption I can muster not to grab them by the shoulders and shake them violently. See, rage. I bid all of you, Puh-lease, for the love of Martha, please, for your child, research the crud out of this.

Here is a list of websites out there that are dedicated to educating people about circumcision.

And many many more. It's something worth thinking about. Something to think about beyond just, "oh, well, his daddy was, or better to do it so he looks the same, or better now so he doesn't remember it.." Blah blah blah blah blah. Go now. "Flee before me my little nose miners." (name that movie)



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