Another Birth Story?! Why yes, it sho' is.

This is the birth story of Charlee, the beautiful daughter of one of the most amazing couples I have had the pleasure of knowing, Al & Heather Crist.

Tuesday I woke up and decided to go through and clean absolutely everything that could be cleaned...floors to linens and everything in between (nesting much?! but not the first time I had done this in the past month that's for sure). That day I also went and got acupuncture and adjusted for the 4th time since trying to induce my own labor. Al and I gave it one last "go" to try and jump start things too since I was feeling extra desperate with the impending induction on Thursday. That night I ate dinner then took a long warm bath (again, not the first time I've done all this routine). We went to bed at about 9:30 and my body was so sore and tired from the days activities. I woke up at 11 with contractions but just went pee and went back to sleep. At exactly 1247 I sat up in bed with a pretty strong contraction. I tend to get them at night and they usually are caused by a full bladder so I got up to pee and nothing came I laid back down and had 3 more in less than 10 minutes! So I got up and went to the living room cause I didn't want to wake Al, especially if this was false labor like the past few times. I sat down and started to time the contractions. They were 3-5 minutes apart and lasting 60-90 seconds long....this is where we had talked about that we would go to the hospital. So I went and woke Al up and we got our stuff together and headed to the hospital. They continued to get stronger and stronger. I can only describe them starting off as the worst menstrual cramps with a lot of vaginal pressure. That's how it all started...

We get to the hospital to check in, and are brought into a preliminary room for monitoring. By this time is is about 2:30 am. My blood pressure was really high, I was still only 2 1/2cm dilated 90% effaced and her head was still really low. After an hour of monitoring I was given the option of walking the halls for an hour or going home....I knew this was it so I chose to walk. By 45 minutes of walking my contractions were very painful and 1-3 minutes apart and 90+ seconds long. I got checked again and was 3cm at that point. They went ahead and admitted me due to my high blood pressure, my strong contractions, and the fact I was overdue...I guess they want you to be at least a 4 before admitting. Glad they did because almost immediately I went from a 3 to a 7. I used the jacuzzi and did several other positions to get through the most painful thing my body has EVER experienced. I was very vocal, which I would have never guessed but it is something my body just did and I had no control over. Without the support of Al and my nurse I couldn't have done it. I had a lot of back labor which was really hard to handle as well. The tennis ball and lots of back rubs from Al, the nurse, and my mother was what helped a lot. By 10:50am I was complete and ready to push (thank goodness!). Within 3 contractions I pushed out the most beautiful angel on earth (in my opinion of course  )... She was born at 11:03am, weighing 7lbs 13oz and 19" long. She had a head full of beautiful dark blonde hair with light blonde highlights (she is already a diva and high maintenance LOL). Life is good and I am so blessed!


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