I have been in the church, specifically 'The Restoration', since birth. I have been baptized, and I BELIEVE in God. I also believe in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. This is the icing on my cake. This is the glue that holds me together. This is why I am the way I am.
Some people, OK, a lot of people call me a hippie, because of my lifestyle and beliefs. Well, ya know what?! Radical dudes.
I am about to get religious on yer tokhes.
I know that I was created in His image. I know that I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I know that my body is a temple, and should be treated as such. Because of this, I believe that God created my body perfectly. I believe I was designed, as a woman, to bring my children into this world, the way God himself intended me to, naturally. I believe my breasts were created for two things; to feed and nourish my children, and to bring pleasure to my husband. (Heh heh heh)
I believe God created the food of the Earth to be healing and medicinal.That when "We put God made food, into God made bodies, we get God made health." - Mary Ann Shearer, Perfect Health the Natural Way. I believe, we as a culture, have created the majority (notice I said majority, not all) of the disease and illness that is so prevalent in our society. Diabetes, obesity, heart disease, cancer of all kinds, osteoporosis, ADD, ADHD, asthma, the list goes on and on.
And, since I believe the ^above^ to be true, I also believe vaccinations to be unnecessary for my family. I believe in preventative "medicine", my medicine being food. Whole foods. Foods that came from the Earth. Food that by nature, has dirt on it. (no I don't just sit and eat dirt) Did you know that dirt has a huge concentration of B-Vitamins? No lie. My family is vegan, and moving each day closer to the health I believe God desires us to enjoy.
If I believe God made us perfectly, and in His image; I also believe that routine infant circumcision is unnecessary and dangerous. He didn't mess up. (I am NOT trying to beat a dead horse).
I believe that God made our bodies to move, to run, to dance. We, as a society, are LA-ZY. Our family, including the kids, enjoys running, playing tag, and getting dirty. I believe in experiencing God's creation, with bare feet, and open arms.
I believe God created me to have the ability to learn and to reason. Therefore, I research EVE-RY-THING. So I know the facts, so I have the information to make an informed decision. A decision based on knowledge, not someone's opinion.
I believe God created me to be a mother, and that only I and my husband know what is truly best for our children.
Doctors, hospitals, surgery, medication all have their place in the world. They save lives. But I believe, God would prefer that I first trust in Him. Trust that He will honor my efforts to live my life as He designed, to use the knowledge he has blessed me with, to prevent some of the common and not-so common ailments of today.
I am not perfect, and I have had to eat my words. When Emma was 6 days old she contracted viral meningitis. I have been to the hospital, I have seen my tiny daughter being poked with more needles in one night that I have had in my entire life. I have looked death in the face. But, God has always, pulled through. Always. His plan is perfect. When we learn that, and when we can say to Him, "Lord, let your will be done." Then, and only then can we start living the life He has waiting for us. Which I guarantee is better than we can imagine.
My childhood of Rosemary Tincture, working in the gardens, playing in the dirt, and being raise in the church, all make me...me.
So, there you have it. I'm a God-fearin', veggie-eatin', home-birthin', naturally curin' babe; and I wouldn't change it.
I would like to thank God for carefully selecting my parents, and for continually shaping me into the woman he desires me to be. I also wanna thank my mom and dad, you guys are the craziest people I know. Love ya!