N-e-wayz. So, in addition to this yummy cake, they catered the meal for the reception. Bar-be-que brisket, garlic mashed potatoes, and green beans. How many vegans does it take to cut the fat, cartiledge and veiny thingys off a brisket? *Gag* The answer is, 3.
My parents are just amazing. AH-MAZING! I'm a little biased.
The wedding, was beautiful. Daniel Cody Heavy Loady, and his bride Gina are just the cutest couple. Their reception featured food, cake, dancing, and adult beverage. Ahem.
So, to get the dancing festivities off to a start, there was a Bride/Groom dance, Father/Daughter dance, and then they opened up the floor. I was sitting with my kiddos and hubs when the music started pumping. People filled the dance floor, showing off their sad dancing skillz. Wes jumped up, grabs my hand and says, "Mommy, will you dance with me?" I choked back a few tears and smiled. "You bet your bippy I will!" Emma joined, and we danced the night away.
For those of you who are thinking, "Sacreligious! Dancing, is evil." I can assure you, that the intentions of my 3 year old and 1 year old, were purely innocent. We were just having a good ole time.
As far as dancing the night away, when you're 3 and 1, 8:30pm is a late night. Top night! Top night!
Congrats to you Daniel and Gina.