The Pain of Being Mom.

First, I would like to apologize, a while back I wrote a post on circumcision, and I approached it in the wrong manner. It is a subject that I am passionate about, and I do not apologize for that. I apologize for any hurt, or anger I may have caused.

So, the pain of being Mom
When you are pregnant, you hear birth horror stories, you are never going to sleep again stories, your body will never be the same stories, and the list goes on and on. But, no 
one ever warns you about Mommy Wars.

Unfortunately, some of the meanest people you will ever encounter are other mothers. It starts out with a mom, searching for help, advice, friendship, direction, whatever. They find an online group, Facebook, Twitter, MommyHelp, there are thousands. They ask a simple question, "I am struggling with my baby latching correctly when they nurse. Any advice?'

And it is like a firing squad is unleashed. "Breastfeeding is gross." "You're baby won't be smart if you breastfeed." "Just switch to formula, your body is inferior." "You obviously don't love your baby." 

Or the reverse, "The formula I am using (insert brand) is causing my baby to have gas. Anyone have this problem? Is there a better formula?" "OMG, you formula feed? You obviously don't love your baby." "Your baby is going to be fat." "Any one who knows anything, doesn't formula feed." 

If you vaccinate(your baby is going to die), don't vax,(your baby is going to die) selective vax(your baby is going to die), circumcise(your son's penis is mutilated), don't circumcise(your son's penis will fall off), work outside of the home(why have kids if you don't want to raise them), you're a SAHM(must be nice not to have to work), homebirth(your baby will die), c-section(your baby will die),  co-sleep(you are lazy), CIO(you are lazy), breastfeed(your body is inferior), formula feed(formula is gross), homeschool(your kid will be socially retarded), public school(your kid will get beat up in the lunch line), private school(snobby, know-it-all kids), yes preschool(just teach them at home), no preschool(your kids will be so far behind), spanking(abuse!), time-out(neglect), no discipline(weak parents); if you do or don't do any of these things, some mom, some where thinks you are a loser. 
Why can't we just all get a long? Why can't we accept the fact that, everyone does things differently, but that  doesn't make them evil, or unloving. Why can't we look at someone who does things differently, and say, "She does it differently, and she LOVES her kids"? Why can't we do that. 
Instead, we backstab, attack, and rip apart those who aren't doing exactly what we see as best. 

I have learned that, there is no one right way. We are all right. We all do what works for us. We have our reasons behind each decision we make. We love our families, and want what is best for them. 

So, the next time you see a mother doing something you don't do. Like feeding her kids McDonald's french fries.
The Horror! 

 Instead of giving her the stink eye, 

or telling her how terrible you think she is, just smile and say, she loves her kids and she's a great mom. 


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